Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Spring is coming along

I just wanted to give you all a glimpse of my garden at home - it will hopefully supply the beets, carrots, lettuce and few other things for the CSA this spring. You can see the cilantro on the foreground and pea trellis in the background.
If you remember I talked a while ago about starting beets from seed in flats and transplanting them - well - they transplanted wonderfully! Behind the beets are 2 rows of Red Pontiac potatoes. I don't know if it will yield enough to add in your shares - I mostly planted them for next years seed...
CLose up of those transplanted beets.

Adam helped me Sunday night to haul several wheelbarrow loads of homemade compost to top-dress the beds. We didn't have quite enough for all the beds, but the rest will get leaf mulch from the woods later...

1 comment:

Laurie said...

Loking like some good things coming up there!