Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Plant Sale and more

I also wanted to mention that Jim Joyce donated some fruit trees to STARworks Garden! There are some peaches and Nectarines on them already!
Plant Sale on Friday went well! Hugh has a sweet set up for selling his plants - a LOT of work has gone into labeling everything and thinking it through! Hugh will be selling his heirloom tomato plants at Asheboro Farmers Market some weekends, so please consider visiting him there and purchasing some of his plants!
STARworks garden still has more plants left - lots of cucumbers, some tomatoes, basil and perennial flowers - contact me and I will hook you up!
And just for the contrast - update from the garden at home - everything has at least doubled! (and that picture was taken last week...)


ema said...

No kas sa näed, kui tulus päev oli!Väga ilusad taimekesed, loodan , et saad nende müügiga hakkama, et on ikka aiandushuvilisi, kes ise ei kasvata. Kodused peenrad on ka toredad. Jõudu siitpoolt.

Laurie said...

Everything is looking good! What perennial plants have you still got?

kriips said...

ohoo! Ema! sa oled ka tehnokratiks hakanud! Millal Facebookki konto lood???? ja - kas sul kurgitaimi pole vaja?! :) ma ei tea enam kuhu auku neid siin pista!

Laurie - I still have Gaillardia, some Lupine, a few small Purple and White coneflowers...that may be it.