We had our first vermiculture workshop today with Mrs. Dawkins' third grade class. Kids were wired up - you could tell the long rain last week was too much for them! We learned a little bit about Red Wrigglers anatomy and behavior, their habitat, and what they like to eat. Kids got to get up close and "personal" with a worm, and observed them closely.
My worm-bin is looking really good right now - I've moved it into the greenhouse for next few months - or until it gets too hot in there. There are TONS of cocoons in there, and plenty of worms. After the workshops are over I will try to collect all the castings (and record and post the process) and give the worms a semi fresh start...
Stay tuned:)
I was passing by your office last night and saw that a light was left on. I went in to turn it off and discovered all the wigglers you had under the lights. Good thing I didn't turn the light off, or your office may have been overrun with worms the next morning!
Hei Nancy! oh goodness, we would have probably had some dehydrated worms all over the place... it looks like those guys are settled in now though, so I will move them to the greenhouse and start feeding them. I moved some of the old bedding from the big bin in to their new house, and it seems to keep them more content and not so much in the mood for escape.
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