Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Myths that have taken REAL food off our tables.

I listened to " The People's Pharmacy" on NPR today. They had a GREAT show about foods that have been demonized in our culture by the processed food industry. Like RAW milk. That's right. How many people reading this blog think of raw milk and shudder in fear?! 
I grew up on this stuff. We drank it with breakfast, lunch and dinner. We made our own butter and something we call "kohupiim" - a type of cottage/ricotta cheese. My mom usually had a 3 liter jar of milk on the cool end of the wood stove sitting out, on room temperature, until it curdled and turned sour. Oh boy, there is nothing better than "hapupiim" ("sour milk") on a hot summer's day... 
We also cooked with lard, and believe me, LOTS of meals were fried. Fried potatoes, fried eggs, fried bread, fried fat back, fried macaroni... pancakes... yet very few people in Estonia were overweight or had heart problems, until we started importing lots of processed, prepackaged foods from outside of the country. Same with allergies. Disease followed the change in diet from traditional to "politically correct".
You can listen to the proadcast on "The People's Pharmacy" website, and HERE. (I hope it works - let me know if it doesn't!)
I am not going to repeat all that they discussed today, I strongly suggest you listen to this broadcast. It is crucial that we start thinking for ourselves and making some better decisions for our families. 
I have preached RAW MILK for years, and am glad to see science (and media) starting to come around and back up this common sense knowledge that people lived with for thousands of years... before the processed food industry started brainwashing us and controlling the lives of our farmers.


JLK Jewelry said...


I was just talking about raw milk to Wes. Where can you get it around here? Jennie

kriips said...

Unfortunately - selling raw milk in NC is illegal. You need to know someone with a cow, who is willing to take the risk and sell you "pet milk"... I've also heard of people coming together with a farmer, and paying a yearly fee for the care of their "pet cow"- almost like a CSA - where the cow resides in the farm... there are ways around it, but difficult to locate the source.